Saturday, July 28, 2012

Just Love Me

Heart stopped. Frozen tears. A sob stuck forever in lungs. Big eyes. Lips tremble. How many times can a heart stop & restart? Silent plea. Please love me. I am broken beyond repair. Love me. Pummeled pieces sweep clean to make new. Please love me. Hidden. Watching. Scared. Please. A small whimper. Please no more hurt. Just love me. Final words spoken only through big eyes. ~ Daphne Yvonne Bradshaw

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Slow, Steady, Safe, Sure

If we can just let go and trust that things will work out they way they're supposed to, without trying to control the outcome, then we can begin to enjoy the moment more fully. The joy of the freedom it brings becomes more pleasurable than the experience itself. ~ Goldie Hawn

Enjoy the journey. Actually, the journey is all we really have. The destination is death, at least for this lifetime. So, why would I want to unnecessarily hasten the ending? This can be a useful metaphor for most things in life, too, if it is not overdone or overblown. Somethings need a slow and easy enjoyment to get the fullness of the experience. Other things do need sped up to catch the important part(s) in time. The skill is in knowing the correct timing for whatever is in front of me. For example, I want to take a nice slow pace in kneading the dough for my bread, but I want just the right time to get that same bread out of the over before it burns. I think I will not talk about the trials and errors along the way to learning the right timing for both parts except to say that I am still learning despite being somewhat accomplished at bread-making by now.

Well, I know this timing and the relaxing into enjoying the journey moment by moment is vital for me to enjoy pleasure of any kind, but especially any part of a sexual encounter. If I cannot relax, I cannot enjoy much. In fact, the feeling of pressure from any source whether it be from within me, from my partner, or from outside circumstances will disconnect my ability to relax and to trust enough to enjoy much. This does not mean that the pace cannot be quickened at some point some times. But, trust cannot be sacrificed ever, or my whole being will shut down and shut out the partner and the experience. At that point, it might be better to try moves with a crash test dummy than with me. In fact, pressuring after I shut down could lead to a lot of painful consequences all around.

However, when the pace is right and the trust is there, magic is almost guaranteed. So, it is worth the effort and all the practice lessons along the way.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

To Hold All Sacred, The Basics

In my lifelong effort to heal and to be whole, I learned many things and had to keep unlearning, re-learning, exploring, observing, contemplating, discerning, naming, learning more, and then repeating the whole process over and over. Because of extended terror from the beginning of my life, I have also had to learn how to come out of the frozen, foggy, unlit, and hidden places in the world around and inside me. Shall I just say the process is not boring (not even sure I know what that concept feels like) nor is it easy (a vast understatement.) I did have some important help from the beginning and along the way among which included a feisty, fiery spirit full of wonder, curiosity, intelligences, and an enormous love despite all.

Some of the important lessons I learned from infancy onward was to look for the whole thing and not just part, to keep checking the foundational or roots of whatever I was dealing with or building, to measure and re-think the measurements at least three times before making a cut or a move, and to keep learning more of the meaning of love, respect, and honor and how to apply them. So, from my baby mind until now, I took my lessons to heart and one of the practical results was that I learned and keep learning that life is a vast lesson in making love and that physical sexual joinings were a very small but important part of the whole life. Also, physical sexual joinings included but were not limited to coitus but included myriad variations on what relationships of any type could be. Also, I learned in the most traumatic way possible about the evil misuse of any part of this whole thing. And so, I am still healing and learning. I discovered that all of us are as well, so I am not alone.
My life motto for decades has been "hold all sacred." That sacredness is a profound respect and honoring so needed in, to, and from me. Due to the nature of all I needed to heal from, I have been mostly alone even in the midst of crowds. My nature and habit is to be usually very quiet, but I do have great spurts of talkativeness when the mood and opportunity are present. And, despite all, I still love humans...even those who have hurt me the deepest. I somehow knew that hearing their true stories were a part of my healing. So, I yearned to hear. Part of that includes a hearing of all points of view. Hearing to me means a deep, focused listening to the whole message of the "other" - to all (human, non-human, living being but non-animal, non-living being, all - all means all.) Until I hear what you are trying to tell me, I have not heard you, in other words. And, I want to hear you.

This hearing is such a big part of love-making that it surpasses and encompasses the whole experience, in my opinion and observation. And, to me, all is love-making in one way and another. Once fully heard, ecstasy is there ready for explosive joy in all directions. Joy, love, healing, and wholeness? What's not to love about this?
I want it all.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Shedding More & More Shame Daily

It is only lately in my life that I have begun to realize that size, ability or challenges, appearances, and a whole host of other more physical things do not make or hinder desirability, sexuality, sensuality, or even likability. Yes, there are stigmas, bigotries, hate crimes, and other despicable cruelties we humans do do to each other based on real or contrived differences. And, the harm is horrendous. No escaping that terrible fact. Nor can I escape the damage done through years of terror, abuse, and neglect. But, that is not all of the story I have begun to discover and work through in some new ways for me.

One of my first insights to help me begin to heal on body issues about 20 years ago was the simple fact that without my body, none of the other qualities I admired could exist as me. My body was my home. My body is me, a reflection of me, and the portal into all of me. With the simultaneous insight of a deeper awareness of how all "things" are connected, I began exploring how my body was also connected to all things.
I did not learn to love me or my body well, but I started by learning not to want it dead all the time. Some days this is a monumental effort even now albeit for different variations on earlier reasons. I did learn that others similar to me were loved deeply as they are. I learned other in worse conditions than I faced also were loved deeply. Not all like me were loved. Most were still trapped in the cruelties of life. But, for me, I began paying attention to the possibilities. I hungered for those. I decided I could be loved too. I knew how to love. So, I decided to continue working on me, making me a better conduit of love while at the same time doing as much research about the issues as possible. This research included listening to my body and learning the words to put to different emotions and other sensations. My insight was to work toward wholeness and healing in such a way that I could become the kind of lover I would want, and somehow that would attract what I needed, desired, and longed for to me... in me.

And, here I am. I am not yet shameless, but I am shedding more and more shame every day. What a relief!

Monday, July 9, 2012

Thirsting to Fly

Jeanette Winter's observation of lovers as quoted from her work The Passion is a sensual display of observation by a third party who happens to be a poetic prose type writer-thinker. She paints a vivid word picture of the nervous stage fright of a type of new lovers just meeting passion/lust. She does accurately report how many express the delighted terror of the new encounter with sexual opportunity just met - the "3 F phenomenon" of fight, flight or f*ck. Alas, too many never advance from this stage into an ever growing mature love & passion but rather become addicted or stuck in believing that this is all there is. Then when this fleeting, untamed, somewhat unpredictable spark is over, they go on to look for the next spark without even trying to build a long-lasting bonfire.

For me, the initial meeting with someone expressing sexual interest in me has felt like an attack. The delighted terror has had heavy emphasis on the terror part and little of the delight. I had been terrorized daily from the beginning of my life well into adulthood while also being "taught" to be a "good girl" at all costs or meet my destruction... as if I was not facing my destruction daily...  and so I married, have a son, faithfully dead ever since... except the inner me kept growing....

Something untamed, wild, almost fae within me thirsted to fly, knew there was more & that I was more than all I was going through. My search for my own wholeness, my own wisdom, my own "me" has been a costly way with a long way still to go. But, fly I most certainly do. Imagination is a powerful path. Dreams can be made realer flitter by impish flitter, hard work by hard work, one step at a time. Unimaginable pain can be endured if the inward vision sees the dream possible. Impossible things happen every day. Fly with me please.

“Lovers are not at their best when it matters. Mouths dry up, palms sweat, conversation flags and all the time the heart is threatening to fly from the body once and for all. Lovers have been known to have heart attacks. Lovers drink too much from nervousness and cannot perform. They eat too little and faint during their fervently wished consummation. They do not stroke the favoured cat and their face-paint comes loose. This is not all. Whatever you have set store by, your dress, your dinner, your poetry, will go wrong.

How is it that one day life is orderly and you are content, a little cynical perhaps, but on the whole just so, and then without warning you find the solid floor is a trapdoor and you are now in another place whose geography is uncertain and whose customs are strange?

Travellers at least have a choice. Those who set sail know that things will not be the same as at home. Explorers are prepared. But for us, who travel along the blood vessels, who come to the cities of the interior by chance, there is no preparation. We who were fluent find life is a foreign language. Somewhere between the swamp and the mountains. Somewhere between fear and sex. Somewhere between God and the Devil passion is and the way there is sudden and the way back is worse.”
Jeanette Winterson, The Passion